BangladeshDhakaEnglishLatest news / Taza newspress release Two more weeks given to demolish illegal brickfields in 5 districts February 28, 2023 February 28, 2023 PBC NEWS DESK: The High Court on Monday gave two more weeks time to demolish all the illegal brick kilns in five districts including... 01,55000
BangladeshEnglishLatest news / Taza newspress release Three injured in clash between two BCL factions at CU February 25, 2023 February 25, 2023 PBC NEWS DESK: At least three students were injured in a clash between two factions of Bangladesh Chhatra League’s (BCL) Chittagong... 027200
BangladeshEnglishLatest news / Taza newspress release Two Japanese children to stay in mother’s custody January 29, 2023 January 29, 2023 PBC NEWS DESK: Two children of Bangladesh-born US citizen Imran Sharif and his wife Japanese citizen Eriko Nakano will remain in the... 026200
BangladeshEnglishLatest news / Taza newspress release Trial proceeding against Pori Moni suspended for 6-month January 10, 2023 January 10, 2023 PBC NEWS DESK: The Appellate Division on Monday upheld the High Court order that stayed the trial proceedings against actress Pori M... 017400
BangladeshEnglishLatest news / Taza newspress release TCB starts selling essential items Tuesday January 10, 2023 January 10, 2023 PBC NEWS DESK: The state-owned Trading Corporation of Bangladesh (TCB) will start selling essential items across the country from Tu... 017300
AMERICApress release Trump signs COVID-19 package bill at last ! December 29, 2020 US President Donald Trump on Sunday signed into law a $2.3 trillion pandemic aid and spending package, restoring unemployment benefi... 026700
AsiaBangladeshEmbassy newsLatest news / Taza newspress release Turkey shows interest investing in military sector ! December 24, 2020 Turkey has expressed its interest to sell defense equipment, including arms, to Bangladesh, in addition to investing in other large-... 026000
AMERICALatest news / Taza news Trump supporters inclining to violence! December 16, 2020 After loosing the election to Joe Biden, Trump is all set to hand over the power. With a key deadline passing Tuesday that all but e... 024200
BangladeshLatest news / Taza news Tamim to undergo Covid-19 test December 13, 2020 After falling sick in the second innings of the eliminators match in Bangabandhu T20 cup , Bangladesh opener Tamim Iqbal underwent a... 018200
BangladeshKhulnaMymensinghRajshahiRangpur Temperature drops about 10° in the North ! November 29, 2020 The mercury has begun to drop in Bangladesh two days after a cyclone over the Bay of Bengal hit India’s southeastern coasts. The tem... 055700