All posts পরীমণিদের ব্যক্তিগত ছবি-ভিডিও সরানোর নির্দেশনা চেয়ে রিট August 25, 2021 পিবিসি নিউজঃ অভিনেত্রী পরীমণিদের ব্যক্তিগত গোপনীয়তার অধিকার ক্ষুণ্ণ করে এমন সব ছবি, ভিডিও ও প্রতিবেদন সংবাদমাধ্যমসহ অন্যান্য প্ল্য... 024000
AsiaEntertainment news Bollywood’s drugs scandals gripping entertainment industry November 21, 2020 A lot of drug scandals of Bollywood stars are exposing after the death of Sushant Singh Rajput. After the September arrest of Bollyw... 023500
AMERICAEurope Koeman in jeopardy about Messi’s future at Barca November 21, 2020 A lot of drama happening in Barcelona rounding Messi’s departure from Barcelona. Although , accroding to contract Messi had to... 025600
ArticlesAsia Thai lawmakers give verdict to change in constitution November 19, 2020 Due to ongoing protest in Thailand, the Thai members of parliament voted on Wednesday on options for changing the constitution. Alth... 022200
ArticlesAsiaEmbassy newsLatest news / Taza news Israel and Bahrain to open Embassies soon! November 19, 2020 While most of the Muslim countries are trying their best to avoid Israel as the illegally violating the rights of Palestinian people... 022200
AMERICAEurope BioNTech says vaccine can be brought by mid December November 19, 2020 BioNTech’s vaccine is one of the most promising and probable vaccine people are waiting to avail to resist the current ongoing... 024100
All postsBangladeshRangpur 3 person sentenced to death in Bogura ! November 18, 2020 A court in Bogura on Tuesday sentenced three persons to death for killing a sand trader. District and Sessions Judge Naresh Chandra... 026600
BangladeshChittagong Man arrested with 30 gold bar in Feni ! November 18, 2020 A middle aged man along with 30 gold bars has been caught by the Members of Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) on Tuesday afternoon from R... 025700
All postsAMERICAArticlesAsiaBangladeshDhakaLatest news / Taza news Saudi Arabia to host virtual G20 summit November 18, 2020 The world has turned crippled due to ongoing pandemic. All the major events around the world has came to a standstill. Although, it&... 025700
All postsAMERICAArticlesAsiaBangladeshDhakaLatest news / Taza news Spain Crush Germany with 6-0 November 18, 2020 The good time for the German football seems like fade away as they are continually stumbling in home and away. With a first career h... 022800