AMERICAArticlesAsiaLatest news / Taza news WHO records highest number of contamination in a day November 16, 2020 The World Health Organisation has recorded the highest number of contamination in a single day as the number of Covid-19 cases incre... 028200
ArticlesAsiaBangladeshDhaka Ex Deputy speaker Shawkat Ali passes away November 16, 2020 Former Jatiya Sangsad deputy speaker colonel (retd) Shawkat Ali has died on Monday morning. He turned 83 before he died. The news ha... 026400
All postsArticlesBangladeshLatest news / Taza news Boris Johnson in self-isolation after COVID-19 contact November 16, 2020 British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been sent to self-isolating after a close contact with Covid-19 affected person while a mee... 022700
All posts India deny Pakistan’s allegations of funding militants November 16, 2020 India has denied allegations of funding militant groups on Pakistani soil by by its arch-rival Pakistan. Besides, they have termed i... 031600
All postsArticlesAsiaBangladeshLatest news / Taza news Government imposes COVID-19 negetivity must to enter Bangladesh November 16, 2020 The government has imposed the rule of Covid-19 negetive results as must one to enter Bangladesh. The rule has been restored strictl... 021300
All posts SpaceX sends four astronauts to ISS November 16, 2020 American space research organisation SpaceX has sent four astronauts to the International Space Station on Sunday through the SpaceX... 019200