‘Brother to be punished if he grabs sister’s property on verbal consent’
PBC NEWS DESK: Land Secretary Md Mostafizur Rahman has said a provision has been accommodated to the new Land Offence Act which states that brother will get punishment if he grabs sister’s land only at her verbal consent.
He disclosed it at a policy dialogue on “Recent Initiatives in Land Management and Citizen’s Rights” organised at Brac Inn Centre at Mohakhali in the capital on Thursday (March 2, 2023) afternoon.
Mostafizur Rahman said there is a tendency to deprive women of their rights in inheritance law. Brothers have a tendency to grab the land property of sisters depriving them of their due rights. “It’s a crime. Even if a brother claims that his sister gives him the land verbally, he will also not be spared.
He will have to go to jail and get punishment for that offence. These punishments will be incorporated in the Land Offence Act.
“Moderated by Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD)’s special fellow Debapriya Bhattacharya, the policy dialogue was also addressed by Land minister Saifuzzaman Chowdhury, TIB’s executive director Dr Iftekharuzzaman, and Manusher Jonnya Foundation’s executive director Shaheen Anam, among others.